Cate Madill has worked as a voice trainer, Speech Pathologist and voice therapist for the last 20 years. She is recognised nationally and internationally and has research published in a range of peer-reviewed academic journals. Cate originally trained as an actor at Flinders University of South Australia before graduating from The University of Sydney in 1998 with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology), with Honours Class 1 and the University Medal. She later completed her PhD at The University of Sydney in 2008, focused on the semiotics of voice quality.
Cate is director of the Voice Research Laboratory and co-director of the Doctor Liang Voice Program at The University of Sydney alongside her Ear, Nose and Throat specialist colleague, Professor Daniel Novakovic. She also coordinates the Voice and Voice Disorders unit of study for Speech Pathology undergraduate and masters students.
Cate is an Honorary Associate of the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, a member of the Australian Voice Association, the NSW Voice Interest Group and the NSW Evidence-Based Practice in Voice working group. She is voice consultant to the radio department at the Australian Film, Television and Radio School and has conducted voice training workshops for actors, singers, teachers, call centres and auctioneers. Cate Madill's research involves use of the latest voice measurement equipment including high-speed laryngoscopy, ultrasound, respiratory, electrophysiology and acoustic measurement and psychoacoustic evaluation.