The University of Sydney Voice Assessment Clinic

The University of Sydney Voice Assessment Clinic provides patients with a comprehensive, multidisciplinary assessment run by experts in the field of laryngology and voice disorders using state-of-the-art acoustic and laryngeal imaging technology. This monthly clinic is run by the Doctor Liang Voice Program team at The University of Sydney, Cumberland campus. Each patient seen throughout the clinic undertakes a range of assessment tasks through consultation with trained and student speech pathologists and otolaryngologists (ear, nose and throat surgeons). This thorough assessment process aims to provide patients with a diagnosis and clear pathway to manage and/or treat their voice concerns.

All patients seen throughout the clinic will be assessed through the following tasks:

  • Case history interview with speech pathologist
  • Hearing screener
  • Acoustic and aerodynamic voice assessment with otolaryngologist
  • Consultation and laryngeal scoping with otolaryngologist
  • Diagnosis and treatment planning with otolaryngologist and speech pathologist

The assessment takes place within the Communication Disorders Treatment and Research Clinic and Voice Research Laboratory. The clinic provides speech pathology students with the opportunity to gain clinical assessment experience in the management of patients with voice disorders. Students are only enabled to take part in the clinic following completion of the ‘Voice and Voice Disorders’ unit of study and are thoroughly supported and supervised throughout the assessment experience.

If you are interested in attending The University of Sydney Voice Assessment Clinic, contact details are provided on the following page: